About the Safe Schools Advisory Council

The Prince William County Public Schools Safe Schools Advisory Council (SSAC) is a standing, divisionwide council comprised of parents, school division administrators, school division safety professionals, and county-level safety officers. The group was formed on the recommendation of the 2006 Safe Schools Task Force following a comprehensive year-long review of school division facilities and safety and violence prevention procedures.

The Safe Schools Advisory Council is comprised of eight members appointed by the School Board, one for each of the seven districts and the at-large chairperson, along with four administrators appointed by the school division Superintendent. The Director of the Risk Management and Security is also a member, along with liaison officers appointed by the Prince William County Police Department and the Prince William County Department of Fire and Rescue. Meetings are also attended by representative school security officers and school resource officers. Representative School Board members are also in attendance.

The council meets at least once per month during the school year to:

  1. Facilitate communication between parents, school division staff and administration, safety professionals, members of the School Board, and the community at-large on all topics that influence the safety of division schools and the students and staff who attend them.
  2. Support the school division's dedication to the safety and security of the students, staff, and schools through the review and discussion of general policy related questions, issues, and concepts raised by parents, council members, the school division, the School Board, or the community at-large.
  3. Bring to the attention of the school division and/or the School Board general ideas or areas for policy changes or improvements to optimize the safety and security of the school division and its students and staff.

The agenda and minutes of these meetings will be recorded and are made available through the SSAC Facilitator's Office. Community time is set aside at approximately 6:31 p.m. at each meeting. Parents and community members are welcome to attend and voice questions, concerns, and ideas during that time. Questions, concerns, and ideas may also be submitted through the SSAC email at [email protected]. Issues raised by email will be 'read in' during community time as though presented in person.