Fast Facts

Fast Facts

PWCS Demographics

Rank for School Division Size

Maps of Virginia with the number 2 and the United States with the number 34

Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) is the second largest school division in Virginia, and the 34th largest school district in the United States.

Minority Breakdown

Chart View
Pie chart with the racial and ethnic breakdown for Prince William County Public Schools: 27.6% white, 36.19% Hispanic/Latino of any race, 19.79% Black or African American, 10.02% Asian, 6.03% Two or more races, 0.37% other
Table View
Minority Breakdown Hispanic White Black Asian Two or More Races Other
Percentage 36.19% 27.6% 19.79% 10.02% 6.03% 0.37%

Standards of Learning (SOL) Proficiency

Chart View
Pie charts and bar charts showing the Virginia Standards of Learning proficiency by economically disadvantaged status, English Learners, and students with disabilities -- 47.06% of economically disadvantaged students meet proficiency standards, 25.60% of English Learners meet proficiency standards, and 12.78% of students with disabilities meet proficiency standards. For all students in 2018-19, 79% of PWCS students were proficient in reading and 83% were proficient in math.
Table View
SOL Proficiency by Student Groups
SOL Proficiency Economically Disadvantaged English Learners Students with Disabilities
Percentage 47.06% 25.60% 12.78%

SOL Proficiency (all students, 2018-19)
SOL Proficiency Reading Mathematics
Percentage 79% 83%

Profile of Graduates

PWCS graduates had a mean SAT score of 1097 in 2021, 92.8% graduated on-time in 2020-21, 41% earned advanced exam credit or dual enrollment, earned $64 million in scholarships in 2020-21, and 1,107 were Summa Cum Laude graduates
1097 mean SAT total score in 2021
92.8% of students graduated on time in 2020-21
41% of graduates earned advanced exam credit or dual enrollment
1,107 Summa Cum Laude graduates
$64 million earned in scholarships by the class of 2021


Number of Students, Employees, and Teachers

Infographic of the number of students (89,468), employees (12,138), and teachers (6,541) in Prince William County Public Schools

PWCS has 89,468 students and 12,138 employees - including 6,541 teachers.