Vision, Mission, And Values

Vision, Mission, and Values

Vision icon -- icon is a pair of binoculars in a circle


Every student will graduate on time with the knowledge, skills, and habits of mind necessary to create a thriving future for themselves and their community.



  • We serve as trusted partners in education with our students, families, and community.
  • We prepare our students to be critical thinkers, responsible digital citizens, innovators and visionaries, resilient individuals, and global collaborators.
  • We commit to inclusive practices and equity with an expectation of excellence from every student and employee every day.
Mission icon -- icon is a circle with a rocket

Core Values

  • Equity icon -- icon is the scales of justice inside of a cirlceEquity
    We strive to provide equitable opportunities and support for all students.
  • Inclusivity icon -- icon is a group of four people inside of a circleInclusivity
    We celebrate our diversity as a strength and welcome all students.
  • Innovation icon -- icon is a light bulb inside of a circleInnovation
    We seek knowledge to create new and unique ideas to reach students.
  • Integrity icon -- icon is an award ribbon inside of a circleIntegrity
    We trust that we do what is best for students through effective interpersonal relationships, dependability, and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching.
  • Resiliency icon -- icon is a person standing on a mountain with a planted flag inside of a circleResiliency
    We believe in the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, solving problems, and coping with change and challenges.
  • Well-being icon -- icon is a shield inside of a circleWell-being
    We take responsibility for the well-being of students' physical and mental health, and take measures to help students, families, and employees feel supported and protected, in order to thrive.