Navigating ParentVUE and StudentVUE App

Viewing Grades in the ParentVUE and StudentVUE App for Secondary Schools

The easiest way to view grades and assignments is via the web application version: ParentVUE or StudentVUE.

When using the ParentVUE/StudentVUE mobile app, users must select the appropriate marking period and class category to view grades and assignments for the associated classes. A parent would need to select each marking period and class category to view all student grade details. It's important to note this is not required when accessing grades from the website.

To view Student Grades:

  1. Log in to the ParentVUE/StudentVUE app.
  2. Select desired student.
  3. Select "Grade Book."
  4. Select the drop-down option to view marking periods and class categories. Screenshots showing the first four steps of viewing a student’s classes: logging in to the ParentVUE and StudentVUE app, selecting the desired student, then Grade Book, and then the dropdown option
  5. A student's classes are sorted into class categories (category abbreviations are defined in the table below). Based on the student's class schedule, select the current marking period and a class category to view grades and assignments for the associated classes. Only classes in the selected category will display, along with the overall grades.
    • For example, Social Studies and Language Arts are year-long classes. To view these classes for the first marking period, select MS YR Marking Period 1, or Middle School Year-long Marking Period 1.
    • Reminder: this additional category selection is not required when accessing from the web application.
    Marking Period Prefix Associated Classes Class Example
    MS QTR Quarter-long classes (i.e., exploratory/specials) Independent Study
    MS SEM Semester-long middle school classes Soar and Success Gr8 and Intro For Lang Gr8
    MS YR Year-long sixth/seventh grade classes Social Studies
    Gr8 YR Year-long eighth grade classes English Grade 8
    HS YR Year-long Carnegie-credit and high school classes Pre-AP Algebra I
    HS SEM Semester-long high school classes Prob/Stat
  6. To view class assignments, select the class name. Screenshots showing examples in ParentVUE of selecting a marking period/class category and classes that display under the selected marking period/class category.
  7. Select "Grade Book" (upper left) to go back to the list of classes in the selected category.
  8. To view classes in a different category, select another class category/marking period.

Note: Not all Marking Period sets will display student classes. For example, if the student was not scheduled into any MS SEM Marking Period 1 classes, none display.

Viewing Grades in ParentVUE and StudentVUE for Elementary Schools

  1. Log in to the ParentVUE/StudentVUE app.
    ParentVUE login screen
  2. Select the desired student.
    Select student in ParentVUE
  3. Select “Documents.”
    Select Documents in ParentVUE
  4. Select the PDF link for the desired report card.