Middle School

Middle School Family Life Education

The middle school Family Life Education program is taught by science teachers in grades six and seven and by health and physical education teachers in grade eight. The program builds upon concepts introduced at the elementary level. Students continue their study of reproductive anatomy and physiology and learn about common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Instruction includes an examination of physical, mental, emotional, and social changes that occur as part of adolescent development. Students explore the benefits of postponing sexual activity and learn that abstinence from sexual activity is the only way to guarantee the prevention of pregnancy and STIs. Students learn about types of exploitation and identify techniques used by sexual predators to exploit teens.

Grades Six - Eight Family Life Education At A Glance

The Parent Information Letter/Opt-Out Request Form, Grade level objectives, and Instructional Scope and Sequence and Pacing are located in grade level folders. Learn more about Family Life Education at each grade by clicking on the tabs below.

Family Life Education Objectives