FFA students from Brentsville District High SchoolWearing their signature blue corduroy jackets emblazoned with gold logos, several Brentsville District High School students joined more than 400 of their fellow Virginia state members of the Future Farmers of America (FFA) in Richmond for FFA Day at the Capitol. The purpose of the day is to allow FFA students to educate state legislators about the importance of agriculture, agricultural education, and to communicate the valuable experiences students receive through FFA.

“My favorite part of the visit was getting to talk to all of the delegates and senators,” said Brentsville District High freshman, Janet Miner.

“We were fortunate enough to meet Senators Timmy French and Jeremy McPike, and DelegatesIan Lovejoy and Thomas Wright, Jr.,” added Amy Beard, horticulture teacher and FFA advisor at Brentsville District

Students toured the state capitol building and were invited to sit in on a House of Delegates session. During the session, Delegate Bobby Orrock introduced one member from each FFA chapter, including Brentsville’s FFA vice-president, Chloe Wray. The delegates responded with a standing ovation for the students.

“I learned that we, as FFA members, can make a real difference,” said Charlie Outland, a freshman and FFA officer at the school. “It is important that we share all that the FFA does so that we can gain support.”

“I hope my students learn that even now they can make an impact in the future of agriculture, our government, and in their own future, whatever that may be,” said Beard. “By being a member of the FFA, I want them to learn that they can do anything, and that they can be a leader.”